Welcome to the parish of St. Mary, Solon, Iowa! My background is in farming. I was reared in Washington County, Iowa on our family century farm. I had graduated from Keota High School and was farming before entering seminary. I felt the Holy Spirit calling me to be a priest through a seed corn salesman Marlin Greiner who said, “My wife and I think you would be a great priest.” Those words started me to discern my vocation calling from God. I graduated from minor seminary at St. Ambrose University and from major seminary St. Mary of the Lake, Mundelein, Illinois. I am a diocesan priest for the Diocese of Davenport. I was ordained at my home parish St. Mary Church-Holy Trinity Parish Keota, Iowa. My hobby is talking and listening to people. I think this is a family trait inherited from my mother and maternal grandparents.
Our Deacons
Dcn. Mitch Holte I am Deacon Mitch Holte. I grew up around Rockford, Illinois and moved to Iowa to work for IBM in 1973. I was ordained a deacon in July of 2013 and have been assigned to St. Mary’s Parish since then. My wife’s name is Sally. We were married in 1979 and moved to Solon in 1982. We have 3 daughters, 6 grandchildren, 3 great-grandchildren and one more on the way. I love being a deacon, especially baptisms and preaching and ministering at the Solon Care Center. Since I retired in 2016 I have also been assigned to preach one weekend a month at St. Patrick’s in Iowa City.
Dcn. David Krob I was baptized in the old St. Mary Church across town. Cheryl and I met at Iowa State and were married there in 1968. Cheryl and I moved back to the Solon area in 1974. We raised five children who are all married and have given us fifteen grandchildren. Our lives center around family and church as we are both retired seniors. I was ordained a Deacon in 2013 and have been ministering at Solon since then. I also am assigned as a Sacramental Minister for St. Thomas More Church in Coralville.