Are you living paycheck to paycheck? Do you have a mountain of debt that seems impossible to get out of? Are you debt free but not sure how to invest for retirement? Do you and your spouse fight about financial matters often? If you answered yes to any of these questions then Financial Peace University is the class for you! This is a 9 week class that incorporates DVD and discussion (there is no pressure to share, just share what you are comfortable with).
Classes will be held on Sunday nights beginning January 10th from 4:30-6:00 pm in the lower level of St. Mary's Parish Hall. Childcare will be provided. Membership kits will be available for $93 or you can order online at
Please register by December 31st if you are planning on purchasing a kit through St. Mary's or will be needing childcare. You can register after that date but there will be no guarantee that a kit will be available for the first class. If you are planning on previewing the first class and deciding after that if you will continue, please register and put in the comments you will be previewing the first class. Please contact Lindsey Carey at [email protected] with questions or concerns.