Do this in memory of me…
We are being sent forth from the Mass to do the things that Jesus does. In fact, Jesus is all about doing. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus emphasizes over and over again that to be his disciple means to do. This book identifies and describes what Christians are called to do and be; what qualities and skills are needed to live as Christians; and how the one hour a week we spend at Mass can, should, and will change our lives. Only $5/book Purchase in Church Gathering Space |
“Mass is so boring!”
By Timothy Cardinal Dolan "How often have you parents heard that from your kids on Sunday morning? How often have our teachers and catechists heard it as they prepare our children for Mass? And, let’s admit it, how often have we said it to ourselves? What do we say to that unfortunate and almost sacrilegious statement? Well, for one, we simply reply, No, it’s not! You may find the Mass boring, but, that’s more your problem than the fault of the Mass." READ MORE |