One of the languages the human body “speaks” is the language of love, spoken in a unique way by the sexual powers. At its core, Natural Family Planning (NFP) is really learning about this language of the sexual powers by observing, recording and interpreting the bodily signs of human fertility. In other words, NFP is fertility awareness, the knowledge of a couple’s fertility, and is a means of reading the body’s signs of fertility and infertility. Applying this knowledge through the Sympto-Thermal Method (STM) of NFP, which CCL teaches, is over 99% effective in postponing pregnancy. Learn more at: Couple to Couple League
Click HERE for more information regarding current medical research.
Connections: Living Natural Family Planning By John and Jennifer Campbell, Washington, D.C. Unlike artificial contraception, which usually places full burden of family planning on the woman, NFP promotes shared responsibility of the fertility of both the husband and wife. It lends a spirit of togetherness to a marriage. There’s no “Have you taken your pill?” That is, “Are you safe?” In our marriage there’s no holding back that precious part of ourselves–our fertility. Rather than a burden to be dealt with, for us it is a blessing to be understood and respected. The complete self-giving says, “I love all of you.” read more...
Still not sure if Natural Family Planning is for you? St. Mary's has a brief (22 minutes) Introductory DVD called Plan Your Family Naturally available for you to check out and watch from home at your convenience with your spouse. Contact Lindsey Carey at [email protected] for details.
Find a class online or on-site near you!
Are you and your spouse ready to learn about NFP and the different methods? Click HERE to learn about the different types of methods available to determine which one may be best for you and your spouse.
Are you wanting to learn how to actually practice NFP at home? Then click below on the method you are interested in to find a class and register. STM Classes (Sympto-Thermal Method) CMM Classes (Cervical Mucus Method a.k.a. Billings Ovulation Method) Creighton Model Marquette Model (scroll to the bottom of the page for online only classes)