We thank you, O God, for the Love You have implanted in our hearts. May it inspire us to be kind in our words, considerate of feeling, and concerned for each other's needs and wishes.
Help us to be understanding and forgiving of human weaknesses and failings. Increase our faith and trust in You and may Your Prudence guide our life and love. Bless our Marriage O God, with Peace and Happiness, and make our love fruitful for Your glory and our Joy both here and in eternity. Amen. |
Lord Jesus,
Grant that I and my spouse may have a true love for each other. and that we may be filled with faith and trust. Give us the grace to live with each other in peace and harmony. May we always bear with one another’s weaknesses and grow from each other ’s strengths. Help us to forgive one another’s failings, and grant us patience, kindness, cheerfulness, and the spirit of placing the well-being of one another ahead of self. May the love that brought us together grow and mature with each passing year. Bring us both ever closer to you through our love for each other. Let our love grow to perfection. Amen. |