Mass Ministries |
Extraordinary Eucharistic MinistersRecognizing the presence of Christ in the Eucharist and in the Communicants![]() A Eucharistic Minister serves, distributes and administers the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ during Holy Communion. They are referred to more accurately as "Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion" (the "ordinary" minister being the priest celebrant).
St. Mary Parish Extraordinary Minister of Eucharist Handbook Those who may serve in this ministry: A Confirmed Catholic who attends Mass weekly and lives according to the teachings of the church. Commitment: Eucharistic Ministers are asked to attend Mass when scheduled. The quarterly schedules are available in the Gathering Space and on-line. If unable to serve in this ministry when scheduled, it is the Eucharistic Minister's responsibility to call someone else listed in the schedule who serves in that ministry and at that Mass time. Training is offered twice each year: New Eucharistic Ministers receive training to review parish procedures in this ministry along with the reverence required by this ministry. |