St. Mary Catholic Church Solon, Iowa
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Fr. Barron's Faith Videos
Father Robert Barron is an acclaimed author, speaker and theologian. He is the
Francis Cardinal George Professor of Faith and Culture
at Mundelein Seminary near Chicago and also is the founder of
Word On Fire
FAITH CLIPS - Get answers to your questions about God and faith
Who is Jesus?
Can God Really Be Both One and Many?
How can Jesus be both God and human?
How does the Church fit into and serve the Trinity?
Can we Completely Understand the Trinity?
Is the Truth of the Trinity found in Scripture?
What is the Trinity?
What are the most common views of God?
Why Is There So Much Disorder In The Universe?
So what about God?
Why do we believe in God?
What images of God are present in the Old Testament?
How do we know we are encountering God?
What gifts does God give the Catholic Church?
VIDEO COMMENTARY - Fr. Barron reflects on subjects from modern day culture
HHS Mandate: Anti-Catholic and Un-American
"Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus"
"The Ides of March" (SPOILERS)
"Moneyball" (SPOILERS)
The Two Minus One Pregnancy
selectively reducing children from pregnancies with twins, triplets
September 11, 2001: Anger and Forgiveness
A Nation Under God; A Nation That Keeps the Sabbath
Misreading Genesis
Abortion: Shocking Numbers out of New York
Barack Obama's "The Audacity of Hope"
Why Dr. King Still Matters
Stephen Hawking & more tired atheism
VIDEO COMMENTARY - Fr. Barron reflects on subjects from modern day Catholicism
A Persecuted Church and Its Heroes
Effective Evangelization
David and Spirituality of the Priesthood (pt. 1)
David and Spirituality of the Priesthood (pt. 2)
The new translation of the Roman Missal
All Saints Day
Conscience and Morality
What you believe makes a difference
Sexuality, Sacrifice and Love
Morality, Character and Relationships
Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist
Holy Spirit in the Life of the Church
Leaving The Church
Mother Teresa and her Sisters
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